Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy 2009 to all of you! Here's an insight about this new year:

As you may recall from TV or from where you were celebrating New Year's eve, people love to wear hats and even fake sunglasses. This is a source of profit for many industries, that every year can produce profit from making all these "New Year's Eve" toys and hats and T-shirts, etc.

There is certainly one industry for which this year was the last of long decades of profits: the new years eve sunglasses industry! Did you think about it? Since the 1980's there has been year after year people wearing these kind of sunglasses with the shape of the new year. This year, however, is the last one that it can be done for a good number of years. Maybe for 2010 the sunglasses can have both zeros, each in one eye, and having the 1 above the nose, but certainly after that, it is over!

Look for example at the website of one of the sellers of these kinds of glasses, and their "marketing statement":

"The next time there will be two zeros in the center of the New Year's Sunglasses will be the year 3000. Do you think you'll be around then? If not, then pick these up FAST!"

Let's hope these industries will continue to go on and will survive despite the global recession and the new year...

So, I hope you had your sunglasses on while you were celebrating, because this will be one of the things that we will remember a few years from now...

Happy 2009!!!

1 comment:

  1. happy new year silly banana! i especially liked your post about the christmas gifts - after just having spent a fortune on presents in south africa!
